Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Character First! Ski Trip

Hello from Colorado! I am on the CF!E ski trip with the CF! group from WHC. We are having a great time here (but I miss Rachael).

I snowboarded yesturday and plan to do it tomorrow too. I hope to take some jumps and a couple blacks before the day is done. Rachael and I normally do this together so it is VERY different this year. I am still having a lot of fun but I think about her most the day (and Elizabeth too!).

I am sitting in my room in the lodge. I got to room with my dad and brother this weekend! It has been really great. Jonathan is very funny and is making the trip fun (as long as he is in a good mood).

I am going to go swimming in a couple hours (after the girls) and then call it a night (it is 7:45pm in Colorado). The weather here is HOT (for Colorado). I nearly burnt up boarding yesturday and some of the young people did!

Jacob M. broke his sholder on the first run down and has to sit out. Pray for him that as he goes through that. Also pray for a quick healing.

Well, I gotta go. I will post pictures to the blog and web album when I return.

Signing off for now,

1 comment:

The Mercado's & Family said...

So was that your first time to snowboard? I want to learn how to do that next time I go skiing. I haven't been since I lived at home. That was a looooooong time ago. Glad you are having fun.