Saturday, February 28, 2009

Ordination Service

We are so excited about what the Lord is doing in our family! Most of you probably know that Brandon accepted a full time position at our church at the beginning of the year as the children's pastor. Tomorrow he is being ordained into full time ministry at our church at 2:00 in the afternoon at Western Hills Church. The service will last about one hour. Anyone is welcome to attend.

Brandon and Rachael

Thursday, February 26, 2009

DIY Project ONE

In an attempt to satisfy this "decorating" frenzy I am on the verge of, I decided to take on a simple task that didn't cost much money. DIY (Do it yourself) is used a lot now days but for some reason every time I go to say it I always say DYI. After some of my DIY project messes I feel that DYI is good advice for me to consider before starting any DIY project. I have affectionately given DYI the phrase "Don't, You Idiot". The definition for stupid is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. I do this often, particularly with my decor projects. So instead of starting full swing with paint and such I wisely chose a small project that, if went well, could be completed while the girls were taking their afternoon nap. Recovering the kitchen chairs was the task of the hour.

I had bought fabric from Wal-mart for $2.00 a yard a couple years ago. But the project just hadn't gotten done. It was very simple to do this with the scissors and a staple gun. I am happy to report this project was a successful DIY project and I still had time for a quick pick up and the weeks ironing before the girls woke up.

I was happy with the outcome of the project which is both good and bad. Good because well it is good to be happy with the finished project product but this could be bad because I fear it has only fueled the flamed for my decorating desires! :)

Have a great day!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Sorry I don't have time for a lengthy update but I thought you would enjoy these pictures! Pictures are the best part of updates anyways! Our family is doing very well and we hope this update finds you happy and blessed!

Spring time is coming!

Hope this brought a smile to your face!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Just Thinking Out Loud

Are you the type of person that feels like you can accomplish just about anything? Sometimes in my mind I am that way. Unfortunately I am only a perfect “jack-of-all-trades” in my mind. When I was a little girl I told my dad that I wanted to be a jack-of all-trade. He said “jack-of-all-trade, master-of-none” At the time I thought I would prove him wrong and be a jack-of-all-trades AND a master-of-all. As I have grown up I have learned my dad was right. However, there are still times when I want to take on some task even though I have no idea how to do and do it! Recently I have been in the decorating mood. I am NOT a décor person but I have been inspired by several different things that show amazingly cute décor on a budget. In my mind I picture it all working out perfectly but from experience I have learned my mental picture sometimes turns me into a mental case! And then I think of the few times I have gone for something and it actually has worked out. Humm….to take on the challenge or sit this one out?

By the way.....this picture is not particularly what I was going to do but I though it is soooo super cute! I highly doubt this could be done on a budget!:)

Let the day dreams continue!