Let me fill you in…
Welcome to my Wardrobe.
This represents most of my shirts. The items that define my fashion. Beauty.
Beauty from Forever Twenty-One
Beauty from the great thrift stores throughout my region.
Sooner Spirit Beauty
Beauty of Christmas gifts (Old Navy)
These tops although varying in differnt materials thicknesses, types and brands all have one thing in common….holes. Not the good kind. Not what you see on the runway. I’m talking grungy annoying little holes. Let me show you.
See, holes. And if you can’t tell, these holes are not in an inconspicuous place. No, no, no they are front and center. They are a few inches from the bottom of the garment. At least they are at the bottom but obviously there none the less.
Still don’t see it? Let me circle it for you.
See it now? Told you. Annoying right?
More and more and more holes!!!AHHH!!!
You might think the great mystery is how these holes are getting into my clothes. And you would be partially correct. But before you go all Sherlock Holmes on me listen to the rest of the facts.
I have no CLUE how this is happening.
Fact: This doesn’t happen to my girl’s shirts, or Brandon’s. (Although recently, finally one of his shirts got one.)
Fact: It doesn’t happen to any undershirts and normally not PJ’s either.
Fact: My sister’s shirts don’t do this
Fact: This has started happening within the last 2 years
Fact: New shirt or old shirt this happens the majority of the time.
Fact: It doesn’t always happen after the first, second, or third, wash.
Fact: It is always the same place, same basic pattern, and same size.
Fact: Some of the shirts fold in the drawer, some hang in the closet
Fact: I am freakishly to like my mother
Craziest fact of all: MY MOTHER’S SHIRTS DO THE SAME THING!!!!! (Why me AND her, ONLY!?)
Fact: My Dad’s shirts don’t do this
Fact: My mother and I don’t do laundry together
Seriously, it is like a thief in the night...IN MY CLOTHES! I hesitate to buy more. I will not be an enabler of this… this… thing!
Ok, those are the facts. Holes in the shirts is the problem.
Now, go, release your inner Sherlock and report back to me!
I would give you a prize if I could. How about a kiss? No, you’re right that is weird. A hug? Depends on who you are. Hum…I’m thinking… happy dance. Yes, I will do a happy dance for you. And if that doesn’t motivate you then forget I said it. What am I rambling on for? You have serious detective work to do!!! Cuz I can’t fix the problem if I don’t know what it is!
Fact: It is challenging to type shirt this many times in a post correctly each time. I probably didn’t. Sorry in advance for any offensive language. :)