Sunday, April 08, 2007

37 Weeks! Baby Shower at Covels.

We have officially reached thirty-seven weeks! Elizabeth is now considered full term! Friday I had an appointment with Ann. She said things are progressing well and now it’s just a waiting game. As far as being pregnant goes I have been feeling great and my cold/sinus stuff seems to slowly be getting better.

Something you could be in prayer for me is that I will have my voice back in its entirety by Tuesday. This past Wednesday night my great grandma Kelley (my mom’s grandma) passed away. The funeral services are going to be held on Tuesday and my sisters and I are supposed to sing. Although it isn’t something I look forward to, I know it would greatly honor the family and especially my great grandpa.

This last Monday a baby shower was held for us at a friend’s home. Our extended family and friends were invited. There were so many people there.
We truly were showered with many gifts and felt so loved and blessed! There were many ladies that helped to prepare a table full of wonderful snacks and afterward one of the young ladies there rubbed my feet! I felt like such an honored guest!!!
We are almost completely ready for Elizabeth’s arrival. The only thing we lack as far a necessity goes is a car seat. Of course, I’m sure if she makes an early appearance we will be able to overcome that obstacle with little to no problems.
The nursery just keeps looking better and better. I love to go in and just think how any day now our baby could be lying in that crib! WOW! God’s design truly is perfect.

For more pictures of the shower visit our web album:
Family Baby Shower

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