Friday, May 14, 2010

Salvation Decisions!

6 salvation decisions today! God is good all the time. These decisions were first time decisions. There were 5 children who rededicated their life to the Lord. God is really working through the Student Missionaries and volunteers. We are all safe and back at the church for tonight. One more day for the 2010 Character Focus conference season. Please pray for us. Praise the Lord for His faithfulness. Dad is about the same tonight. More updates to come.


Lorraine said...


We have still remained in prayer for you, your dad, and your family. Today Luke didn't ask about the trip until he asked about updates on your father. He loves your father too.

We have also been praying for the student missionaries, any supporters that live in Searcy, and especially for tender hearts in young children that they may respond to the Holy Spirit.

Today, while ministering to a friend of mine from college, I was able to share with her more specifics of your family's prayer requests.

She encouraged me to tell you that there will be about 10 more homeschool families praying for your dad (and all of you too, of course), ---- AND also her Messianic congregation, AND a prayer center which she visits on a regular basis. They are all located in Chicago.

When I mentioned your concern that your family will need prayer for an extended period of time, she understood very much what you are meaning. She has needed prayer for many years, and many friends have held her and her family up in prayer. They still need many prayers as well. (Her husband is finally a believer now, but his background is that he is a Muslim Bengali who grew up as a prince until he had to 'disappear himself' to maintain his life. She married him knowing he was a Muslim at the time - perhaps in fear that her CP might leave her without a husband? This is 20+ years later. He is a believer now. He has shown that princely side of his in an incredible concern for anyone he sees as 'his people' (but not with a flourish - more subtle - very subtle, but powerful insights, etc.). There is a direct calling upon his life, but both he and his wife have more growth to aspire to before they will be ready. They have both finally begun to respond spiritually in amazing bursts of growth, but they are not ready to date. So prayers for them continue. This has been going on for well over twenty years. She knows the value of people committed to praying for her family. She feels blessed to be able to commit to long term prayer for you and yours.)

Anyway, I just wanted you to know that there are more arms ready to help hold up your arms when you cannot possibly lift them a moment longer.

We all love you and your family very much and will continue to check in to see what the specific prayer requests will be as your updates are available.

We praise God for each step of progress your father has already made, and especially for the souls won for our precious Lord.

Justin said...

Praise the Lord!!!! God is so good! Through all the trials God always proves He is still in control. Never trust an unknown situation to a known God! Keep the faith!

Love you all