Friday, June 10, 2011

Because Yesterday was Dad's Birthday and I wanted You to Know

(Picture taken 2010)

As a child I wrote an essay. Not as an assignment for school or as a punishment but rather because I wanted to remember. I wanted to remember the people in my life who made a difference for me, those who impacted my life in a significant way, and those whom I watched even when they didn’t know I was watching. I saw character - true character come out. My findings were that those people who profoundly influenced my life were human. At times, though not often, I saw them react wrongly to situations. But again I grew to love and admire them all the more because I saw them correct their wrongs in right ways. What an encouragement to a young impressionable teenage girl! God was first in each of their lives. It was evident and I longed to mirror their example.

The first paragraph of this paper was about Greg and Kim Werner. At first I was only going to write it about Greg but then as I thought on the matter I knew Kim was such a huge part and success of who Greg was. And let’s face the facts, as great of a guy as Greg was/is it takes a special someone to be his wife. God knew what he was doing there for sure and Kim does the job very well! I’m sure dad agrees. J
Why did I write about them? How did they “make the cut” for this not required paper? Was it because we were great friends with their family and their oldest son had a crush on me? No, remember this paper was written out of my own initiative and was meant for nobodies eyes but my own.
Most people who read this blog know who Greg Werner is. As I grew up he was THE get-things-done guy. And he could infact get almost anything done. Even if it was a “womens” task like cleaning a house to serve a family he could get it done faster than any woman could because he would recruit 10 women to clean the house and he was only there to delegate, encourage, keep things moving, and of course, but our lunch afterwards. :) Things just always got done. But that was what most people saw in Greg Werner. I saw something more; something that’s still is so engraved into my memory that I couldn’t let it go if I tried.
Prayer. I loved to hear Greg pray. Not from the pulpit or in some other large public setting. I loved to hear his prayers at his house. Mostly during home church when it was just a quaint gathering of friends. I wish I could describe it to you. This get-it-done macho man melted in the presence of a Holy God. When there were not words he simply had tears or groanings and I have no doubt the interceding still took place.
He was quick to prayer. Even over the “small” things he would pray. If I had a headache it was common for him to pray for me right there wherever we were and ask the Great Physician for healing. As needs arose no matter how small, we stopped and went to the Great Provider. It was natural for him, second nature. It wasn't just show. He led his family to do the same with or without company there.
I loved that he always pointed me to Christ; not only through his council but also through his actions.
I saw that he was a man of purpose; advancing the Kingdom of Christ. It was his sole purpose and it was evident. It fueled a fire in me to do the same. I am confident that he could not and would not repent of that call. He witnessed to many of his co-workers on many occasions. I watched him work many, many hours serving the church before he was even on staff. In fact he had a full time job. In case you can’t do the math that equals lots of extra work with only eternal reward. (Again where Kim comes into the picture as an amazing person of Godly character.)

I also admired the way he led his family. Yes, there was an attraction between his older son and I. But that has nothing to do with what I am talking about here. Time and time again I saw Greg stop the family to point out a way that God had done an amazing thing. How he had provided, healed, or moved in some other way. It was often that he pointed out to those around him “The blessing of the Lord is a person’s greatest asset.” A quote that remains one of my favorites to this day.
And yes, I watched his oldest son. Growing in the ways of the Lord that I saw no other young man doing. I knew he had long, long, talks with his dad about subjects both practical and spiritual that helped him grow into a man. I saw Greg trying to impart Christ into Brandon, not Greg. If it were God’s will for Brandon and me to marry I wanted to know God would be first in training our children as well as our bases for each decision. Obviously this came to pass and I am more grateful than ever for the spiritual values Brandon embraced through that training time in his life and continues to impart to others.

I could continue on about the character and service I saw from Greg Werner but the list is too great. The incidences will be forever memories I hold in my heart as a person changed by the actions and life of Greg Werner.
But I would consider it a loss to you if I didn’t also point out that Greg can cook a seriously good omelet, pull a water skier like a machine, can be fun and crazy, sing like a real man, and makes a pretty darn good Papa too!

I guess what it boils down to is this. Even though when I wrote that paper as a teenager I didn’t know what the future held. I am grateful to call Greg Werner my father-in-love. I’m glad that writing Greg in all the above places felt weird because I get to call him Dad. And if my last name had never changed to Werner, this I know, I would still be a forever changed person because of who Greg is. And I would still be grateful.

On April 10th 2010 life changed for dad and our family in many ways. But you know what hasn’t changed? Dad’s legacy. No, his legacy will continue on. His Godly heritage only grows. His mission continues.  I love that this Greg Werner still loves God and is willing to follow Him even in the hardships. (Again, may I point out Mom’s example here!)I love that God still hears the prayers of this Greg Werner. I love that this Greg Werner is still doing what he can to invest in others, even if at times that looks differently than it did. Trust me, it still makes a difference. Just ask my kids!

I love you Dad! Thank you for loving the Lord! Happy Birthday!

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