Friday, July 15, 2011

The Dreaded Appointment

I am well into my 28th week of pregnancy! Wow! Besides being a bit more tired than I remember and besides eating as much ice as I can possibly get my hands on I have been feeling pretty good. Feeling very pregnant but I guess that is how I am supposed to feel at this point. J My little man is pretty active in there and I love it!

My last appointment with the midwife was an appointment I dread each and every pregnancy. It includes my glucose test and a shot that I have to take because of my blood type.

The glucose test includes drinking 8oz of cold liquid sugar in two minutes and then having your blood drawn one hour later. This drink pretty much taste like a very very very sweet flat sprite. It causes me to think nothing even remotely sweet will ever touch my lips again. This thought is always changed though in a couple days as a delicious chocolate treat is bound to show up eventually that I just can’t resist. J (Although right now I crave ice OVER chocolate!)

The first time I took this test things didn’t go so well and as soon as the blood draw was over I couldn’t keep the sugar drink, or my breakfast down, any longer. Yeah, it was unpleasant. The other times I’ve done the test I have managed to keep things down…barely. I have to fan myself as waves of nausea rush over me. Blah, no fun!

And then the shot. Oh, the shot. I love the medical field. I enjoy giving shots to other people. But I despise getting a shot myself. It’s always worse in my mind before it actually happens but …oh, how I dread it.

This time around the nurse walks in to give me my shot. Now, this shot is not your average little stick in the arm. Oh no, this shot is given in the “you know where”. Ok, actually it is given in the hip but it seems more dramatic to say the “you know where” and getting a shot is always a dramatic event for me so it is only appropriate to call it as such.

So the nurse comes in. I let out a small groan and ask with hesitation and dread in my voice “are you good at this?” She says “Well, this is a big shot…”

WOAH there woman. Watch your language! Big and shot should never be in the same sentence before striking your victim. Furthermore in response to the question “are you good at this?”!!!  Your confidence overwhelms me.

She kindly goes on to explain that the reason they give this shot in the “you know where” is because it is too big to go into the arm.  

Fortunately the event was a normal, worse in my mind that in reality, and the correct answer for “are you good at this” would have been yes. She did a great job and even gave me a little pep talk during the poking process about how I was being the best mommy by getting my shot. And she even gave official “Doctors orders” for Brandon to treat me to something special since I had done my part for OUR baby now he was to do his. Reasonable don’t you think? I thought so too.

(psst-Brandon…that’s your que! J)

I’ve survived the dreaded appointment once again. As always…it was a close call.


Nanny Norma said...

Rachael--As always I love your blogs:) You always make me laugh!!! You are very special. Love you Bunches Nanny XXXXXOOOOO

The Mercado's & Family said...

You take beautiful pictures. Brittany can't wait to go with you to take her 16th birthday pictures.