Monday, July 11, 2011

Just Go With the Flow!

There is this friend that I have that always does a great job of getting the kids out of the house to beat the heat or cold with some kind of fun activity. Often times I talk about great ideas but let all the household chores, which never seem to end, keep me from actually putting things in motion and getting out there and doing these things. So I am grateful when this friend calls and actually puts things on the calendar with me and we get out there and have an adventure.

Friday was one of those very days. We originally had plans to take our crew of kiddos, there are five among the two of us…soon to be seven, to sulfur/turner falls area. However, in an effort to save some gas and car time we changed the plans to head out to a local lake. To me spending the day on the beach letting the kids play their hearts out while I ate an entire ice chest full of ice sounded delightful. (Been craving LOTS of ice…yes I am taking steps to improve my iron levels.)

So, the plan was made and Friday morning set into motion. It started out the way most of our planned days do with one of us calling the other informing her we will be late. Neither of us minds though because we’ve both been there and completely understands. J As a matter of fact I think in my mind the “I’m late” phone call is actually an unspoken part of the plan. It works out better that way.

I made a last minute stop to borrow a few things from my parents-in-love. They are always great to loan me stuff that they keep in the garage that I just don’t have space for. I love them. Anyways, while we were there Dad informs me that the lake we planned on going to had closed its beaches because of a bad e-coli breakout after the 4th of July.  Good information to have before I drove to Edmond! After a few phone calls we confirmed Dad’s words to be true. Although, they did still have one beach opened. Which, apparently I don’t understand how that germ spreads cuz that didn’t make much since to me. Regardless, as pregnant mother’s we decided it wasn’t worth the risk for us or our children being sick.

So with both of us sitting in parking lots on opposite sides of the city, in swim attire, with children looking forward to the swim also in swim attire, we started calculating at a rapid speed another plan.

Plan B fell through.

Plan C fell through.

Plan D,E, and F all flopped.

Continue through the alphabet until you reach Plan Z. Now, Plan Z was a winner! It actually began to be comical to me as nothing seemed to be falling into place. I was so grateful though to be able to discover the flawed plans through simple phone calls though rather than millions of gas miles and broken hearts of little ones expectations. It was bad enough to pull the lake plans from their hearts.

So, plan z was to go to the zoo, which was free due to my friends zoo pass. I laughed as Kate said her bed time prayers pretty much summing up the amount of animals we saw at the zoo - “Jesus, thank you for the bugs.” Truth be told we really weren’t there for the animals. It was a good place for lunch and we killed several hours letting the kids play in the little stream in the children’s area. Also, don’t forget the attire we were in. The zoo was one of the only places we would probably be accepted. J We had prepared to go to the lake…and we looked the part.  Unfortunately while the kids stayed plenty cool the mommy’s were still quite warm. For some reason I couldn’t get my entire ice chest of ice carried into the zoo. L So, in the afternoon we headed out for part B of plan Z which was swimming in Uncle Cecil’s pool.

So, all in all, the day was great fun! Not at all what we expected as we headed out that morning but equally as fun and now we have something else to do on another one of these hot summer days! J

When at all possible just go with the flow. It’s much more enjoyable that way! J

Thanks friend for a great day of fun!


P.S. – there are no pictures of the day because while I did remember to bring my camera the first time I pulled it out to capture some moments I discovered I had not put my memory card back into my camera. Upon that discovery I had to chuckle because it only seemed fitting for the day. J

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