Saturday, October 01, 2011


Click.....silence. The timer on the bomb said ding but nothing happened. Approach bomb with caution.

So this is how it feels. This is how it feels to be pregnant on your due date. Hummm…’s interesting. Basically like how you feel on your birthday…not really any different than yesterday.

This is how I look on my due date. Basically like I looked yesterday. :)

Mark it down in the books. I have now experienced a  new first. Not that having a pregnancy go to due date or beyond was actually on my bucket list but still...might as well see the positives. :)

I had worried about having a third born. I know several third borns…that are great people. J And in their greatness comes a certain complexity that, well, frightens me as a parent. I’m wondering if Jackson is already demonstrating his unique third born ways. Either that, or he heard me talking about circumcision and he has decided he’s fine were he’s at! The jury is still out on the subject matter. I’ll get back with you in a few years with the verdict. J

Due date good night kisses from big sisters. I can hardly wait until they get to meet and hold him!

God's timing is perfect and I do not doubt His plan for Mr. Jackson and our family.

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