Friday, April 30, 2010
Update 4-29-10
Dad responded today to the Doctors and has even been responding to commands such as “move this arm”, “wiggle your toes”, and “give me a thumbs up”. There is still greater movement on the right side but the doctors were encouraged and of course we have been thrilled.
Later mom was talking to someone in dad’s room. They were not talking specifically to dad but when mom said that Elizabeth caught her first fish dad raised his arm and gave the ‘ok’ sign. All of these reports lead us to believe dad is processing information. Because of this the medical staff is encouraging us to limit the times we try to stimulate dad through questions and information. When he is over stimulated his vitals reflect it. We are going to be letting you know of the best times to come up to the hospital if you want to visit. This way dad will be able to rest for designated periods of time and then be stimulated for designated periods of time. Those times should be coming soon.
After dad is awake generally there are many hours of him not responding at all. The staff says this is normal and as healthy people we may need a 15 minute nap to keep going but dad may need a several hour nap before another “awake” session.
Tonight after we got back in town I was able to get to the hospital for a little while to see dad. I was so excited to find out that he was awake! It was a little challenging because he is alert enough now to be frustrated about things. Just today he has started trying to mouth words. Of course, we normally have no clue what he is trying to communicate and this obviously causes frustration for him. I love to see the action and responses and life in dad and then after I have seen it I like to see him resting in peace. It’s hard to watch him hurt.
We are praising the Lord for the things He has done and are continuing in prayer for the many days ahead.
The prayer requests currently are:
1.) For continued healing for Dad’s brain
2.) For peace to be upon Dad as He is waking up
3.) Minimal pain for dad as He begins the recovery process
4.) Peace, health, and wisdom for Mom as she continues be by dad’s side every day.
The Tulsa Conference went well the past few days and now it is on with OCHEC. We are beginning that conference tomorrow. Please pray for the children’s hearts to be open to the promptings of the Lord!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Update on Dad 4-27-10
I am writing this update from Tulsa, OK. As I type, Student Missionaries (aka young adults) from Western Hills Church are serving with Character Focus Ministries to reach children with the gospel of Jesus Christ. There were about one hundred children in attendance today at the conference. (I will get an accurate count soon).
Things have been crazy here. I am trying to do what my Dad has done for us for so many years. I value his leadership, organization, and attention to detail so much. I have been trying to run registration and logistics this year… something I can do but do not enjoy near as much. My heart is to be WITH the kids and Student Missionaries. The Lord has allowed me opportunities to speak truth to both the kids and the youth, but my attention has been divided because of the responsibilities that must be fulfilled. Dad is so gifted at logistical leadership.
Speaking of Dad… I am sure that is why you are here. :) Uncle Scott (Dad’s brother) is in town with Dad while I am in Tulsa. Here is the update as of last night:
After a fairly uneventful weekend where Greg was very quiet, like in a deep sleep his vitals jumped for a bit this morning with his temperature and respiration rising quite a bit.
This afternoon they are down and closer to range thankfully. He is very active right now with his right arm and some movement in his head/neck area. He is not awake but seems to be responding to his body/pain. While I would do anything to take it away it is also good to see him reacting physically in some way. They have done two x-rays to check new areas for injury.
I am reminded of how much and how often Christ has born my pain and suffering. How He has stood in my place. I am truly grateful. We ask Him to take Greg's burden and ease his pain during this time. We also are asking for Greg to awaken at God's appointed time.
Thank you to all who are praying, to all who have written, called and texted. Special thanks to my cousin Dennis for sitting with Greg at 5 am the past few days. We love you.
Please continue to pray and believe with us. My friend Justin reminded me today to keep asking, to keep believing as my Father loves to give good gifts to His children.
Uncle Scott added this to Dad’s report this morning through a text message:
Greg is very restless this morning. He continues to move his right arm a lot. He is also shifting his head and shoulders. I thought I saw his left side move so I held his left hand and, with some degree of strength, he pushed down with his left arm! Definite movement that I saw. He seems really uneasy. Almost agitated (as is to be expected), but that is good. Vitals are good. 37.2 C on temp (about normal). His heart rate is 93 and the respiration is at 23 (both are in a good, safe range). Coughing a lot and you can tell it hurts. The amount of movement makes it stressful but it is a good sign for recovery. He has moved his left shoulder/elbow numerous times. Eyes open for a few minutes. Strong grip on his right hand.
These updates are encouraging! It means that Dad is moving in the right direction. Obviously there is still a long road of recovery to travel. We value your prayers SO MUCH. I would not be taking time to write an update during this conference if we did not believe prayer was vitally important.
One last thing… just want to do a shout out to my brothers, Jonathan and Justin. They have been so faithful to serve with us at Character Focus for so many years. Justin cannot be here because of his injuries. Jonathan has started a new season of life and is now working full time at Hobby Lobby. I know both of them (as well as my dad) would be here if they could. I also want to say thanks to my sister, Lauren (aka Sally). She was so key in the successful launch of Character Focus. Love you, sis! And, of course, I would like to tell my mom I love you. You are such a warrior of faith and love. I am praying for you. Fight the good fight and lean on Jesus.
Many children have made decisions for the Lord at the conference today! Again, I will get more numbers for you soon. We have another day after this one so keep us in your prayers!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Update 4-26-10
I thought a lot about Dad today. Maybe it was all of the trip preparations. While I was at the church packing our custodian asked me a question about the building. Without a thought the words began to flow right out of my mouth “You should probably call…” I caught myself before ending the sentence remembering that Dad wasn’t available to be called to answer questions about the building. Those realities come hard. But that is not the only reason why I thought of Dad today. At the beginning of the school year Dad began “FISH Club” in a middle school near our church. It started with 3 students who were Christians. Once a week, for the first three weeks they would have lunch with Dad and a few others. The fourth week is called “hook week” and they were all challenged to bring a friend. There have been many salvations and relationships built through this program. It has proved to be very effective. The club has grown each month through the members bringing friends on “hook week”. There were about 40 members regularly attending until this week. Today was “hook week” and there were over 60 middle school students in attendance! Brother Steve Harris shared the gospel and 35 students received Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior! Praise the Lord. Dad would have been so excited!
This journey is so unsure. The outcome is still foggy but through it all I have learned to trust Jesus more than ever. He is a great daddy and is willing to carry my burdens, wipe my tears, and comfort my hurts. I am so grateful for all the Lord has done for us!
Friday, April 23, 2010
Another Update (Friday Night) - sorry it's late!
Sorry I didn’t update yesterday or this morning. I know many of you are watching the blog for updates regularly. I will do my best to stay consistent. I haven’t updated for two reasons: 1) There has been no significant changes in Dad's condition (up to this point) and 2) because conference season is here for Character Focus (a non-profit organization Rachael and I started to reach children with the gospel of Jesus Christ) and we are overloaded with preparations.
Dad has been pretty much the same for the last 48 hours. The doctors have come by a couple times. Each time they do, they are at peace with Dad’s condition and say that this type of injury just takes time.
Things have been quiet with Dad… until the past couple hours. Around 6pm this evening, Dad began to move his right arm even more! He reached all the way up to his mouth. Dad also moved his head some and has opened his eyes a little! The doctors also told us that his lungs are looking better and the pneumonia is clearing a little. Answers to prayer!!! These are all really good signs of recovery. We believe God is waking Dad up in His timing. Please continue to pray with us for complete healing.
I know Dad is going to wake up sometime between Monday night and Thursday morning. Why? Because I am going to be out of town those days and it would be just like Dad to wake up at a time that was least convenient. (I am just kidding, of course. Well, at least I am kidding about knowing about the timing of him waking up.) We will be out of town hosting a Character Focus children’s program in Tulsa, OK during the Easter Oklahoma Homeschool Convention. We are expecting a good crowd; please pray for us. Most of all, pray that we will be effective in reaching children for Jesus and training young adults to been genuine disciples of Jesus Christ. (more details about Character Focus at
This will be the first children’s programs with Character Focus that Dad will miss. We have four planned programs this year (Bethel, Tulsa, OCHEC, and Searcy). The Lord first gave me the vision for this ministry at 12 years old, and it started taking shape when I was 14. Dad has been there all the way. I know the Lord is faithful and will provide all we need, but I still miss my Dad.
Mom told me an encouraging story of hope this evening. The RN who is has been taking care of Dad recently was in a bad car accident. Her car was hit by a large truck and the impact pancaked her vehicle. They do not know how she even survived. She was in the very same sort of state that Dad is in right now. She was able to minister hope to Mom as she shared her testimony of God’s goodness and told mom that her family sees her as a walking miracle!
God has put so many people in place to encourage our family at just the right times. We have been so blessed by the prayers, cards, gifts, and visits from our friends and family. The Lord is so good. We are so grateful to serve an awesome God!
Justin is out of rehab and is doing well. They Myers’ clan has helped us in so many ways. We are so grateful! Justin is staying with the Myers for the first several nights away from the hospital and rehab. They are taking great care of him.
Mom has been able to go almost every night since the accident and rest. So many people are stepping in to serve her and our family at the house, hospital, church, and everywhere in between. Please continue to pray for healing for my Mom. She had another doctor’s appointment today.
I found out that we can add Nepal (located next to India) to the list of international places where believers are praying for Dad! Wow! I need to get a map going or something. If you know of anyone praying for Dad outside the states, please let me know by commenting so I can add them to a future post.
The Bethel children’s program is tomorrow. We are expecting a few dozen children to attend! All of these children are from homes without a father. We are hosting the children’s program during a single mom’s retreat put on by the Bethel Foundations (a ministry for single moms). Many of these children do not know Jesus. Please pray that the Lord will work as we share the gospel with them tomorrow. Thanks for your prayers!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Update on Dad (Wednesday Afternoon) & Visiting Hours
A praise report is that there is no more blood in his urine! A good sign that the repair done to the bladder was successful.
Dad is doing well, but he needs to rest. Yesterday was exciting as he began to open his eyes and blink. We hope to see him responding again soon. However, just because he is responding doesn’t mean his brain is ready to work all the time. We need to let him rest. We would like to ask our friends and extended family to help us with this by not going into the ICU area without permission. We are allowing Dad’s immediate families (his wife, his children, his mother, and his brother) to come into ICU. Other than that, please obtain permission from one of these people before you go back to see him. Thank you for helping us do what is best for Dad’s recovery.
Please continue to pray for Dad:
1. Quick recovery from surgery
2. Blood clots to dissolve
3. Healing from pneumonia and infection
You could also pray for our family as we work through insurance, medical bills, replacing the car, rehab, home bills, and other paperwork items. These things are not very important to us when we consider the overall circumstances. However, they are responsibilities that take time, attention to detail, and wisdom to know what is best. Thanks for your prayers.
Justin has LOVED having all the visitors! So many people have come to visit him, and he is so grateful. The young people from Western Hills and YOUGROW are going to visit Justin tonight after church from about 8:00pm-9:00pm. There is a meeting room downstairs reserved for all our guests. We hope that you will be able to come and see him during this time.
Because of all the visitors, Justin hasn’t had much time to rest. Justin has asked for some time to nap before all his guests come this evening. Please no visitors from 5:00pm-7:30pm.
If you are coming tonight, Justin is at the Jim Thorpe Rehab Center at Integris Southwest on 44th and Western.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Dad's Out of Surgery (Tuesday Afternoon)
Dr. Roberts says that he feels the surgery was successful. They put a plate in to stabilize his pelvis. The doctors said he would have liked to put a plate in that was a little larger, but because of the bladder injury they were limited by the size of the incision. They do feel as though all the breaks have been corrected and that the pelvis will heal on its own. Although there were hopes of removing the external fixator, the doctors decided that it will need to remain in place for 4-6 weeks (which is better than the initial prediction of three months).
They stitched Dad’s bladder up while he was in surgery. They feel good about the repair that was done.
Dad will be back in ICU shortly. There are still questions revolving around long term damage. There is a possibility of nerve damage in Dad’s lower back, as well as effects that the trauma could have had on his brain. These concerns cannot be addressed until Dad is awake and able to participate in tests assessing his condition. We do not have any indication that there is long term damage, but because of the injuries it is certainly a possibility. Please pray that God would work in his body and that there will be no long term damage. Our prayer is that Dad will be able to make a 100% recovery.
Justin continues to improve. He is looking forward to seeing his dad. There is a possibility of that happening this week.
The risk of infection is ever present after surgery. Dad still has pneumonia and blood clots. Please pray for healing to continue in his body.
The doctors cannot give a timeline for him waking up, but they are hopeful that it will happen quicker than the last surgery. Please continue to keep Dad and our family in your prayers.
Here is a web album of the Explorer Dad and Justin had their wreck in:
![]() |
Dad and Justin's Car Wreck |
Monday, April 19, 2010
Quick Update (Monday Night)
this season was tonight. This ends the third year. God has done so
much. He is so good. Dad has normally been there at the end. Miss you,
Dad's surgery did not happen today. The doctors say that Dad's surgery
might happen tomorrow morning at 7:30am. It could be later. Please
continue to pray for the clots to dissolve and for healing from the
pnemonia and infection.
Please pray for Justin as he and our family make decisions about what
is best for his recovery.
Thanks for praying!
Sent from my iPhone
Update on Dad (Monday Afternoon)
We have to take the good news with a grain of salt – surgery is scheduled for today. Dad has not gone back for surgery yet. It is not uncommon for these procedures to get bumped to a later time. We are hopeful that it will happen today so that he can begin recovery sooner. However, we are willing to wait and trust God for His perfect timing.
Dad needs God to continue to bring healing, so we ask you to continue to pray. Here are the prayer requests:
1. Dad has at least two blood clots (one in each arm). Pray that they would dissolve completely.
2. The doctors have Dad on antibiotics for infection and pneumonia. Please pray that he would be completely healed of the infection and pneumonia.
3. Please pray that the surgery would go well and would happen in perfect timing. Pray that Dad would recover quickly.
4. Pray against long term damage in his body (especially his brain and pelvis)
Doctors are so limited, but God is so able. Healing certainly comes from the Lord. Everything the doctors do is just to try to make Dad comfortable and healthy… they always tell us that it will take “time” for him to heal (aka God’s working hand and incredible design).


(if you need to know more about how to know Jesus, call 405-634-1454 and ask to speak with a pastor)
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Dad's Surgery
The surgeries are often pushed back from there normal time.
If you would like to come to be at the hospital during the surgery
please feel welcome. Please continue to use the downstairs waiting
area so that we do not crowd ICU waiting. Thanks for your prayers.
Sent from my iPhone
Update on Dad (Sunday Afternoon)
The doctors say that this is a really good sign. We just want him to continue to respond in small ways. In recovery there are always ups and downs. Picture the stock market – things change often, but as long as the overall condition is improving, it is a good sign.
Dad does have an infection and pneumonia. Right now levels are non-threatening, but there are definite risks. We need to pray that God would heal him of the infection and pneumonia. This is the greatest prayer request at this time.
Dad is scheduled to have surgery at some point tomorrow. The doctors will monitor his health and condition to make sure he is physically able. The surgery will be on the front of his pelvis. The external fixator has been effective but has not solved the problem. They plan to insert a plate and some screws to pull all the bones together so they can heal. In most cases the hardware is permanent. If things go really well, they may be able to remove the external fixator altogether.
Dad is back on blood thinners to help prevent blood clotting. We need to also pray that God would protect Dad from clots as he lies still on a hospital bed.
Please pray:
1. That Dad would be healthy enough for surgery tomorrow (this will help him long term and the window of opportunity is small)
2. That Dad would be healed of infections and pneumonia
3. That Dad would not develop any blood clots.
4. That the Lord would bless my Mom, heal her of her health condition, and give her strength
Mom is doing well, but I know that she is suffering. Dad always takes such good care of her. Please pray that God would meet all her needs.
We love you all. Thank you to all our friends and family who visited us in the hospital today. We want to ask you to continue to wait in the downstairs waiting room until we know results from Dad’s surgery. It has been such a blessing to our family and to the other people in ICU to keep the ICU waiting room quiet. Thanks for serving us in this way.
Please don’t stop praying! I will keep you updated, and I will post the scheduled operation time as soon as we are privileged to that information.
Video Update from Justin (Saturday Night)
PS - His fingers were not actually "cut off". Just a little bit of the tips. Wanted to clarify :)
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Update on Dad (Saturday Afternoon)
I haven’t been to the hospital or to see Justin yet today. We just finished wrapping things up for the training, and I plan to visit Justin and go see Dad after dinner. I did hear a report from Uncle Scott (Dad’s brother). Here is the latest on Dad’s condition:
The medical staff is doing a great job paying attention to detail and working to do what is best for Dad. One example of this is that they were putting a picc line into Dad to provide more flexibility for IVs. They were going to put it in his left arm, but things didn’t seem right. They put the line in his right arm instead. They are going to do some tests now to make sure there is no blood clot or problem in his upper body. We really appreciate their attention to detail.
Dad has been off his blood thinning medicine for a while now. The nuerosugeon said that Dad needs to stay off the medicine for 48 hours so that his brain can continue to heal. The doctor put in orders for him to go back onto the blood thinner medicine tonight at 9pm. This would help break up a blood clot if there is one there.
At 2pm this afternoon, the doctors removed all the sedative medicine. He is still on pain meds. We are just praying that Dad will wake up in God’s perfect timing.
We got the results back from the EEG. The doctors were testing specifically for seizures in his brain. The test results were good… no seizures! Uncle Scott asked if there was brain activity and the doctor said that there absolutely was. Still, they have tried to rouse Dad several times, but to no avail. We just need to keep praying for his brain to heal. He did move his arm reactively when they prodded him.
We are celebrating one week of life for Dad after the accident! Praise the Lord for His faithfulness. It is difficult to remember to events that took place last week. My how they have changed our lives forever. Please keep us in your prayers. Most importantly, continue to pray for Dad and get involved in the mission to reach people for Jesus.
Update on Dad and Justin (Friday Night)
There are so many people who are hurting. I never realized. You think this kind of tragedy would hit others, but never you. Then it happens. The unthinkable. The unpredictable. And you realize that so many people are walking through this same type of situation without the hope that comes in knowing Jesus. It really is… sad. It hurts my heart.
This situation with Dad hurts my heart too. Tomorrow is the Character Focus volunteer preparation day. Dad has helped me with this event every year since our first conference. He would be there sharing a devotion, leading the registration team, and just supporting me with any needs I have. It really will be strange without him. I miss you, Dad.
On top of this emotion, we found out today that Amy’s baby has a rare heart disease which will require surgery shortly after the baby is born. The baby could have lifelong affects from this condition. We are lifting baby Ella up in prayer. Would you say a prayer for Amy (Rachael’s sister), Jon (Amy’s husband), and baby Ella this evening?
Here are Dad’s Medical Updates:
As I shared earlier, Dad has a small bruise on his brain. It is very minor, but visible. The bruise did not show up on the first CAT scan because it did not have time to manifest. Picture falling and hurting your wrist; the pain is always instant, but bruising often happens later on. This was the same with Dad’s brain injury.
The trauma doctor told us that if one bruise shows up on the CAT scan then there are normally others that we cannot see. These small bruises need time to heal. The brain knows that it needs to rest and recover, so Dad checks out for a while. When it recovers, Lord willing, Dad will regain consciousness.
The results from the EEG did not make it back to our family today. However, we did hear that the neurosurgeon signed off on Dad’s case, stating that he did not feel that the injuries needed surgery or medical intervention. That is a good sign!
Dad’s sedated state is likely caused by his head injuries as well as the amount of sedatives he has received since he was admitted. They are administering lower amounts of sedatives and a good balance of pain medication.
They are also administering antibiotics to help fight against pneumonia and infection. Dad already has some pneumonia. The doctors ran cultures on the fluid on his lungs to determine the exact type of antibiotics they need to give him to fight his pneumonia. We should have results by Sunday. Please continue to pray against damage from pneumonia or infection. Dad is a great candidate for both, but things are stable right now.
Dad’s vitals look pretty good. He seems to be in less pain and resting comfortably.
The last injury we are still looking at is Dad’s pelvis bone. I told you that doctors would make more decisions about the external fixator today. They are considering their options and hope to let us know a plan of action soon. Surgery is still not out of the question. Please pray for wisdom.
All that to say that these are the big prayer requests:
• Protection and healing for Dad’s brain
• Continued healing from the pneumonia
• Wisdom for direction on Dad’s pelvis injuries
• Protection against infection
Please lift Dad up in prayer often… we know your prayers are working.
Justin is doing well tonight. He is enjoying his second night in rehab. I plan to visit him tomorrow during or after the training. Terry, Cyndi and Luke (and the whole Myers’ family) have been such an incredible blessing to our family by watching out for Justin while we focus on Dad’s critical injuries. They have been so flexible and available. Thank you, Myers’ family! And we love you, Justin!
Tomorrow is a new day that will bring new information, new developments, new surprises, and new challenges. We want to thank all of our family and friends for the prayer and support you have offered to our family. We are so blessed to have you as part of our lives.
Over the weekend, things will really be up in the air. In order to create a peaceful atmosphere for our family (and the other families with loved ones in ICU), we would like to ask all of our friends and extended family to use the main waiting room downstairs and reserve the upstairs waiting room for family. We welcome you to come at any time. Thank you for serving us in this way.
When you come during the weekend, there may not always be someone from the family downstairs. However, on Sunday afternoon from 12pm-3pm, the family plans to be in the downstairs waiting room to visit with all our family and friends. We would love for you to come visit us and support us during this time. Obviously if things change with Dad this could change. Of course we will keep you updated via the blog. We hope to see you then!
I will try to keep you updated tomorrow. We will be at the training all morning and into the afternoon. I hope to give you an update after that. Pray for Dad, Justin, Mom, family, and Ella. Thanks for your continued prayers and support. Add Mexico and England (and more people in Germany) to the list of international places where prayer is being offered on Dad’s behalf! Praise the Lord for His continued faithfulness.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Update on Dad (Friday Afternoon)
They did find a small lesion in his brain when they did the second CT scan. They say that the first scan did not pick it up because the injury is so small. At this point, they are not considering surgery. They have made some changes to medication with this new information. This could be contributing to his sedated state; however, the doctors believe there is more to learn.
Dad is responding to pain, but he is not following commands yet. The doctors have many tools and skills, but they are still very limited. Only God knows what is actually going on. Please pray to the Great Physician and ask our Lord to heal Dad and raise him up.
When the doctors speak with us, we may have some direction or we may be encouraged to continue to wait. Either way, God is in control and knows what he is doing. Dad is beginning to heal… maybe God is doing this because He knows it is the only way to keep Dad down long enough to heal. :)
Another location confirmed: Add Scottland to the list of international locations where people are lifting Dad and our family up in prayer.
Please continue to keep us in your prayers.
Update on Dad and Justin (Thursday Night)
Justin was discharged from the hospital today and moved to a rehab facility. He is really enjoying his new room. Terry and Luke are staying with Justin tonight. He is right by the church, so I will get to see him nearly every day.
Justin’s needs are a little specialized. He fractured a bone in his shoulder on the same side that he broke his ankle. This makes it hard to move around because he is not allowed to put weight on the shoulder or ankle for at least four weeks. In rehab, Justin will learn the ropes on how to work muscles, move around, etc.
Dad is in ICU. The doctors did another CT of his pelvis to check his progress. We will know the results sometime tomorrow. The medical staff cleaned him up and adjusted him. The prayer request has been that Dad would wake up. While they were cleaning him up, the nurses said he opened his eyes for a few minutes and moved his arms! This is a great sign, but it does not mean he is awake. We need to keep praying for God to continue to work in his body and cause him to wake up from the sedation.
Tonight was the Wild Game Feast that my dad organized and prepared. It was tough for me to attend, but it was a great success. Dad would be proud. I could picture what my dad would be doing, and I saw him in projects and tasks everywhere I turned. Dad is such an awesome guy. He is so capable and efficient. His Glory Seals were helping with the event tonight; he would be so proud of all of them. Odus Compton filled Dad’s shoes in overseeing the event; Dad would be so grateful for all his friends.
Things went off without a hitch. There were several salvation decisions, and I would say at least a couple hundred men in attendance. Brother Steve Harris did a great job. I cried as I listened to Steve share about God’s love and mercy for mankind evident through the gift of His Son, Jesus Christ. What an amazing God we serve – that He would be involved in the affairs of men.
Steve shared 5 truths: There is a God, man is sinful, man is separated from God by sin, Jesus shed His blood to cover our sin, and we can be made right with God only through the person of Jesus Christ. It is the truth and it’s all in the Bible. I hope you believe it and live it.
I will update you with exact numbers about the night when I have them. For now, please just mark your calendars to attend church this Sunday morning at Western Hills at 10am to hear Brother Steve. Visit for details and directions.
Oh, April and May are affectionately known as “conference season” in my families household. Rachael and I have a non-profit organization whose purpose is to disciple young adults and share the love of Jesus with children. These two months are where we host all of our children’s programs. There is more information at
I say all that to say that I really, really appreciate the Ruckel family and the Boyd family (families from our church) for stepping in and handling everything so I can serve my family. It is NOT an easy task. They are doing such a great job and it ministers to me so much. Many people are giving their time, energy, and resources to make these conferences happen, but their leadership and work is what is making it possible this year. Thank you all so much.
I guess that is enough chatting for tonight. One last thought: 1 John 4:1 tells us, “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God.” In a situation like this there are lots of thoughts that enter our minds. We are encouraged in God’s Word to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. As thoughts enter my mind, I am challenged by the Holy Spirit (dwelling in me ever since I believed on Jesus) to examine them to determine if they are true or false. By doing this, I am keeping my mind fixed on Jesus and avoiding satan’s traps. I am not perfect at this by any means, but I know the Lord is showing me how important this is. I would encourage you to pray for Dad and to take every though captive. God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. We love you all and appreciate your prayers.
“Lord Jesus, please wake up my Dad. Whatever the outcome, we trust in You. Amen.”
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Lord Jesus, Please Wake My Dad
Also, please pray for my family. Tonight is the Wild Game Feast (the event my dad was preparing for). There are many men attending. My dad would be so happy and proud. The Lord has been giving him such a heart for people who don't know Jesus. Dad's accident is proof that you never know when it will be too late. Pleaes, if you haven't done so, invite Jesus into your heart right now.
My heart is heavy tonight as I think about my dad and about how much he would enjoy this event. Thanks for your prayers. We serve and awesome God!
Please, Everyone Pray
have seen Dad responding more at this point as they back off the
medications. They are going to do a few tests to see if they can learn
We want to call everyone to prayer. Please pray that Dad would wake up
and have no long term effects. Please pass this on to everyone you
know who will pray.
We will trust in the Lord and not fear. God is our helper. Let's ask
Him to raise Dad up by the power of His Spirit.
Sent from my iPhone
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Update on Dad and Justin (Wednesday Night)
The medical staff slowly weaned Dad off his sedatives today from 1.5 to 0.5 and now to 0. They are still administrating a higher level of pain medication through the IV. The goal is to wean him off the pain medication over the next several hours (or few days if needed). From what we understand, Dad needs to come off both the sedative and pain meds before they can remove the respirator. This evening (as Mom, Uncle Scott, and I were in ICU with Dad) Mom was talking to Dad and three times he moved his bottom lip like he was trying to respond! Visiting hours are over until morning, so we will look into his improvement tomorrow.
The doctors say that the process for weaning Dad off the medication and removing the respirator will need to be done cautiously and aggressively. Cautiously because you don’t want to move too soon and then have to backtrack. Aggressively because the longer he has tubes in his body the greater the risk for infection. They said it would take a while for him to wake up. Some patients wake up slow and others wake up very slow. We will just need to keep praying for Dad and showing patience.
Please pray:
1. For protection against infection and pneumonia
2. For peace as Dad starts to wake up (if you know him, you know he can tend to react at times)
3. For no long term effects
Justin was in some pain today, but overall had a good day. He was down in the waiting room when I left the hospital. He might get to leave tomorrow (if not tomorrow then soon).
I sleep well in hospitals, so I have stayed over three of the four nights. Uncle Scott said he would stay for me so I could come home with my family. I plan to get some much needed rest in my own bed tonight.
Jonathan and I sang and led a song of worship in the church meeting this evening. Brother Steve really helped us see the truth about Jesus Christ. If you missed it, you missed out. Let’s ALL get in on the mission and support the vision the Lord gave to Dad and to the church. Looking forward to seeing ALL you men at the Wild Game Feast tomorrow night at 6pm. Call 405-634-1454 to purchase a $5 ticket. We hope to see all of you this Sunday at 10am to hear Brother Steve share again.
May the name of Jesus Christ continue to be exalted among all the people. God is using this crisis to advance His kingdom. Look around; is there any other explanation for these blessings but that they are evidence of a Creator who is involved in His creation? If you don’t know Jesus, you need to meet Him. He will change your life.
Take healing for example. God is the great physician. God uses medical science to sustain life - He always has. I guess one reason might be that it is a way for people to help people and show love to each other. But the doctors can’t make Dad better. Even the doctors say that healing only comes with time. Why? Because God designed our bodies to heal. God brings the healing. Pretty cool thought.
Thank you, God, for how awesome you are. You love us so much, and You have given us so much. Please just show us how we can love you back. Thanks for loving my Dad. I know He loves You.
I know Dad would want you to know Jesus and His love, too. Would you believe in Him today?
If you want to talk to a pastor about Jesus, call 405-634-1454. Ask to speak with a pastor about getting to know Jesus personally. Know this, Jesus loves you.
Completing the Vision
This is the message that is going out on the phone dialer today at our church (Western Hills Church). I wanted to make sure each of you received it, so I am posting it to the blog as well. Please call the church office at 405-634-1454 if you have any questions. Our family is hanging in there. Please continue to pray.
In Christ,
Brandon Werner
First I want to give you a quick update on my dad. He is still in ICU but is stable. Everyday brings new challenges, but overall the reports have been good. He is not out of the woods yet so please continue to pray. You can visit for updates and additional details.
My dad was working whole heartedly on two major projects before his accident. One of those was Mission Month with Brother Steve Harris. These special services on Sunday morning and Wednesday night have been anointed by the Lord. Over 40 baptisms this month! Is it any wonder that we might receive resistance from satan? I know my dad wants us to continue the mission. Would you please follow the Lord and support our family by attending these special services this month and making them a high priority for your family? We will meet tonight (Wednesday) at 6:30pm. If things stay positive at the hospital, some of my family plans to be here tonight. We hope to see you then.
The other project dad was working on is the Wild Game Feast for men 12 and older that will be in the Family Center tomorrow night at 6pm. We are excited about the message that Brother Steve will share tomorrow, but it will all be for nothing if men do not attend. Would you please, for the sake of the lost, attend this special event and bring men who need Jesus? I cannot wait to give a report to my dad about how the church stepped in and supported this vision and saw it through. You are a critical part of the vision.
We would like to ask you to help us prepare for this Wild Game Feast as well. Dad would be working hard to make sure the building was ready to receive guests. We would like to ask all of our men and Glory Seals to stay after the service tonight to help us setup the Family Center. Many hands make light work, so please make it a priority to serve this evening.
We would also like to ask our Glory Seals to arrive at the church tomorrow two hours early for the game feast to help finish preparations and be available to serve. Glory Seals, please arrive at Western Hills Church tomorrow afternoon at 4pm.
If you have any questions please feel free to call the church office. Thank you for supporting our family during this time. But more importantly, thank you for remaining faithful to the Lord and to the call that God has placed on this church and your family. Let’s continue to work together and fulfill the mission that Jesus has set before us… to share the love of Jesus Christ with the lost. Who will you win in 2010? It is a joy to serve you.
Quick Update on Dad
doctors and medical staff, he is stable and recovering at the rate
that they would expect someone to recover at considering his condition.
Please continue to pray against infection and lung damage. They will
continue to asses the situation and wean him off sedation and the
respirator as he is ready.
Justin is recovering well. The doctors say 4-6 weeks recovery for the
broken bones. Please continue to pray.
Thank you for your prayers.
Sent from my iPhone
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Update on Dad and Justin (Tuesday Evening)
These are the facts about Dad’s condition. I would like to ask you again to please help our family avoid speculation. Refer to this blog for the facts. Here is a summary of the doctor’s report:
1. The doctor addressed Dad’s swelling. He said that although it may look bad, swelling is not a bad thing. It is the body’s way to protect the organs from obsessive amounts of fluid by storing the liquid in the tissue where it won’t cause damage. In about 3-7 days (give or take), they expect that his body will discharge most of the fluid, allowing the swelling to go down.
2. The doctors told us that Dad does have pneumonia, which is thought to be the reason for his slight fever. However, his pneumonia is expected because of the fluids, bruising in his lungs, cracked ribs, and lying on a bed for over 72 hours. The pneumonia is under control and is currently non-threatening (again, could change day to day). Please pray that the pneumonia would not affect his lungs adversly.
3. Dad is on antibiotics to help control the pneumonia and prevent infection. Please pray for protection for his body. He is in a weak state, but we know that God is able to sustain.
4. The doctors are beginning to wean Dad off the sedation and respirator. This will be a slow and careful process. We do not want to rush this, but we do want to be aggressive in removing tubes as they can present a greater risk for infection. Please pray for wisdom for the doctors and for God to orchestrate this process in perfect timing.
5. Dad is still on the respirator, but all of his breathes are spontaneous (initiated by him). The respirator is helping him finish some (but not all) of his breathes. His breathing is improving and his lung is no longer collapsed. We hope to see continued strength in his breathing as he comes off the sedatives. Doctors will continue to lower the respirator setting as he improves.
These are the details from the doctor’s report. These details tell us that Dad is on a slow road to recovory. He will have ups and downs, but as long as he steadily improving it is a good sign. There are still a lot of unknowns, but we can rest in the truth... God is faithful.
More evidence of God’s mighty hand:
Justin came down in a wheelchair and got to visit us in the waiting room and see Dad. He is still in some pain and having breathing treatments every four hours; however, he is doing well and is resting now. He is a trooper.
Dad’s doctor from today is a believer. We told him that hundreds (if not thousands) of people are praying for Dad, for Justin, for our family, for this hospital, and for him and the medical staff. He was encouraged to hear about your prayers. Please continue to pray for us all.
We are so thankful to our Lord for this opportunity to walk with Him in this trial. The amazing thing about our God is that He is giving us a greater focus. We do not need to focus on suffering, pain, sadness, and grief. Instead, we can focus on the goodness of God and His soverign power and unending love. We are called to be His witnesses. God is working in our lives through this experience. We are looking forward to the day that we can fellowship with Dad again. Regardless of the outcome, we will trust in the Lord. He is our strong tower.
You are my strength when I am weak
You are the treasure that I seek
You are my all in all.
Seeking You as a precious jewel
Lord to give up, I’d be a fool
You are my all in all.
Jesus, Lamb of God
Worthy is Your name!
Urgent Prayer Request (Tuesday Afternoon)
After surgery, there is always a risk of common illnesses such as infection and pneumonia. Dad has been running a fever at about 101 degrees. They are doing some blood work and tests to make sure things are okay. We are waiting for the doctors to make their rounds so we can receive more details. In the mean time, please pray that Dad’s body would be protected against infection and illnesses.
They will leave Dad on the respirator and sedative until we know more. Please continue to pray often.
Justin is doing well. He is in some pain as he continues to recover. Please pray for the pain to let up and for opportunities to rest.
So many good reports, but so far to go. Certainly still a serious condition. Please pray, and find peace and rest in God as we trust Him together.
There’s a peace I’ve come to know
Though my heart and flesh may fail.
There’s an anchor for my soul
I can say, “It is well”.
Jesus has overcome, and the grave is overwhelmed;
The victory is won, He is risen from the dead!
And I will rise when He calls my name
No more sorrow, no more pain.
I will rise on eagle’s wings
Before my God, fall on my knees, and rise.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Continuing the Mission for Jesus (and for Dad)
Dad is in ICU and doing well tonight. He will get at least one more night of rest under sedation before his real trials begin. When he is awake, he will probably be in a significant amount of pain. This will bring a whole new set of challenges. It will be tough, but my dad has never been one to back down from any challenge.
My dad has a challenge for all of you men.
Dad has been a full time associate pastor at Western Hills Church for over five years. He has proven for many years that he is a man that never makes excuses, always rises to the occasion, and never backs down from a challenge.
The big project he was working on at church was the men’s Wild Game Feast (this Thursday, April 15 at 6pm). It is a special event design especially for men. The event includes a wild game meal, a car show, small door prize give-a-ways, and some big time give-a-ways (like a shotgun, fishing trip, etc.).
Steve Harris will be there to speak to them men and present them with a choice, “Is the message and story of Jesus true?” I listened to Steve share the message at a men’s meeting and I will certainly say that it is a message every man needs to hear before he makes up his mind about Jesus Christ.
The thing about this event is that it requires men to bring their friends. Dad has given hours and hours into preparing for this special event. He also has given dozens of personal and public challenges to men over the past several weeks to invite and bring their friends to the event. Dad was working with several men personally to invite them to come. If he could, he would be out of bed and inviting people to hear about Jesus.
Since he can't do it, will you help him get it done?
I want to ask you men, on behalf of my dad, to come to this event and invite men to come. Any man 12 and older can participate. Tickets are $5 each and available at Western Hills (405-634-1454). Invite the men in honor of my dad, but more importantly invite them for the sake of Christ and for the sake of their eternal future. Please, please, help us honor Dad by participating in this event. I can’t wait to tell Dad about the outcome and what God did in the hearts of the men in attendance. Please help us make this report an excellent one.
Again, this Thursday, April 15 at 6pm at Western Hills Church. Call 405-634-1454 for tickets. Invite men 12 and older to attend. Thank you for serving our family in this way. I know it will greatly encourage my dad.
More updates to come. Looking forward to watching God show his mighty, awesome power tomorrow. Please continue to pray.
Update on Dad and Justin (Monday Evening)
Justin’s surgery went very well. They put a screw and a plate in his ankle. The screw will come out eventually, and the plate may come out as well. The doctors were able to clean up any damage caused by the break. They feel as though everything will heal well on its own from this point on. Justin is being moved out of ICU and into a room right now.
Dad’s surgery was a great success. The doctors worked with skill and wisdom… our prayers for the Lord to guide the surgeons through the surgery were answered! The doctors were successfully able to stabilize the breaks in the pelvis area without making any large incisions. We will know more by this Friday about how long the external fixator (that is providing stability) will need to stay attached to provide the necessary support. Please pray against infection as Dad continues to heal.
His vital signs have been stable since the surgery, and right now we are praying that the doctors will be able to begin consider weaning him off the ventilator as he continues to improve.
We are continually grateful for the prayers and support from our friends and family. Tomorrow will bring new choices, decisions, and challenges. Please continue to pray that we will have the grace to walk in the Spirit and follow the promptings of the Lord.
It has been very helpful to have a waiting room upstairs where the family can retreat and find some rest and peace. We would like to ask our friends to continue to meet downstairs as you come visit and support the family. We want everyone to feel welcome to come and visit at any time during the day or evening. We value your support. If you could continue to serve us in this way, we would greatly appreciate it. As Dad and Justin continue to improve, we may be able to post some visiting hours.
Please feel free to direct others to this blog. Things are continuing to improve, but there are still several obstacles to overcome. Justin is awake and our prayer is that Dad will be soon. If you would like to send a card or note, feel free to do so.
This verse has meant something to me this afternoon: “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and love, and of a sound mind.” Continue to walk with us in truth and love. God has a plan and we will trust Him for it; regardless of the outcome.
Update on Dad and Justin (Monday Morning - going into surgery)
Dad’s surgery is not as sure. The surgery should last 2-6 hours. He will need some down time after the surgery before he returns to ICU. We hope to be able to see him later this evening or tonight before visiting hours close in the ICU at 10pm.
The surgery plan is to repair his pelvis bone and provide the stability he needs to recover. We are hopeful that the surgeons may not have to make a large incision. However, if necessary, the surgeons may need to open him up to repair the damage. If they do, they will also repair his bladder. If they don’t have to open him up, the bladder will heal on its own over time (there has already been some improvement!).
The doctors say that if everything goes as planned, dad should be in the same condition that he was today by tomorrow morning… except his injuries would have been taken care of. That means we would be able to stop focusing on repair and start down the road to recovery! At that point, we would be able to start talking about timelines for removing the ventilator and sedation.
So here’s the deal, pray hard now. Pray that God would guide the hands of the surgeons. Pray that Jesus would bring comfort to Dad and Justin's hearts through the resurrection power of the Holy Spirit. Pray that Dad would continue to fight and never give up. Pray that Justin’s surgery would be clean and allow for quick recovery. Pray for my mom as she deals with leaving my dad and brother and spends time with the Lord. And while you’re at it, pray for complete healing for my mom’s medical condition.
Prayer is critical right now. Please pray hard, and pray now. Don’t stop praying today. We can feel your prayers and we can see God move. We know that prayer matters, so please continue.
We will give an update after the surgeries. Until then, continue to pray.
We can add Australia to the list of international places of prayer for our family. Hannah Jernigan (sorry, I don't know your new last name) is there with her new husband. They and thousands of people at Hillsong are praying for Dad, Justin, and our family.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Update on Dad and Justin (Sunday Night)
I want to add Turkey, Belize, and South Korea to the list of places where people are praying for our family internationally. The list of churches, homeschool groups, families, and individuals praying for Dad, Justin, and our family in the States is growing rapidly. Please keep praying and passing the word… your prayers are working and making a difference!
We are so glad that our friends and family came to support us today. Thank you for demonstrating your love and support to us. We know many of you are planning to come tomorrow to pray for our family as both Dad and Justin face surgery (Justin’s ankle and Dad’s pelvis). Due to the scheduled surgeries, the family wants to ask you to help us maintain an atmosphere of peace and order. We would like to close the upstairs ICU waiting room to family only. For our dear friends who want to come and visit, we would like to ask you to use the downstairs waiting room and chapel. This will allow the family to have a place where they can retreat and organize in order to serve Dad and Justin in the best possible way.
We just finished our visiting time with Dad and Justin. ICU is closed to visitors for the rest of the evening. Justin is doing well and is looking forward to having a good night’s sleep. In his own words, his pain level has dropped from a 8 or 9 to a 4 or 5. He was able to drink water and eat some solid foods today. Justin said he feels like tonight is going to be a good, restful night. Please pray that his hopes become a reality.
Dad is still sedated and on the respirator. They have turned the respirator down so that he is doing more breathing on his own. He has responded to people talking and to touch several times today. If they did not have him sedated he would be awake, but in great pain. Some of the excitement he has experienced today has caused his heart rate to greatly increase. When I saw him, his heart rate was at 127. Please pray that his heart rate will go down overnight.
Justin is scheduled for surgery at 10am for his broken ankle. It should be minor and fairly quick. Dad is scheduled to have reconstructive surgery on his pelvis tomorrow at 10am. The RN said that this type of surgery normally gets pushed an hour or two past the scheduled time due to emergency surgeries the doctors must perform. Dad could be in surgery a while. This is the last VERY critical part to beginning recovery. There are many risks involved in this type of surgery. Please keep him in your prayers.
So, Rachael, Jon and I went to see the SUV (Ford Explorer) at Puckett’s today. It was in pretty bad shape (totaled to say the least). After seeing it, you realize that it was really a miracle that anyone survived.
Update on Dad and Justin (Sunday Morning)
Dad’s pelvic injuries are somewhat extensive. The pelvic bone is fractured on the back-left side and in the front. He also has some ligament damage. The doctors are looking at possible options and are creating a plan that they will share with us tonight. Doc. Dellinger came home early from vacation and is continuing to offer support and wisdom. We are so grateful to have him here.
The injuries to Dad’s pelvis will require three months without walking. His bones will need time to heal and strengthen in order to make a full recovery. It was encouraging for us to see him respond to us a little this morning and even lift his arm, move his legs and feet, and open his eyes for just a second.
Dad is still sedated and on a respirator. Everything is looking good, and the purpose of the sedation is to keep him from moving around and causing greater injury to himself… and so he can rest. We plan to talk with a trauma doctor in a little while who will give us a timeline for sedation and for the respirator.
Please continue to pray. A lot of decisions will need to be made in the next 24 hours, and we want to make sure we make the best choices so that he will have the quickest recovery. We are excited about seeing him awake, but we also know that will bring pain, discomfort, and possibly cause him to react in fear. Please pray for peace for his mind and minimal pain levels.
As for Justin, he is continuing to improve. He will need a small surgery (outpatient type procedure) to help his broken ankle heal properly. He is hungry and thirsty, but has to wait to eat and drink until after surgery. AND A GREAT PRIASE REPORT – THEY HAVE JUSTIN SITTING IN A CHAIR!!!
We will keep you updated. Please feel free to share this blog address with all your friends and family. We want as many people to pray as possible. Your prayers are working. I received an encouraging email from Luke Hodges saying that we could add Japan to the list of places where people are praying for our family. People are literally praying all around the world!
I know many people are stepping up to help meet physical needs for our family. Thank you so much for your support and demonstrations of love. We will let you know what is happening and if any needs arise. We love you all and appreciate you so much. May God receive glory as we, His church, seek Him first!
Oh, feel free to comment with updates from the church service at Western Hills this morning. We would love to hear how things went! We missed being there with you this morning.
The Fact Is... We ALL Need Jesus
A lot of reports have been given, and some rumors have developed. To bring clarity, I want to share with you what we know so far. These are just the facts, and they are the only confirmed details. Please avoid speculation as best as possible. If you need clarity, refer to this blog.
All things considered, the reports are pretty good. Here is the story of what we believe happened – just the facts:
My dad and Justin were on their way to deliver boxes to a friend of ours from church – serving people, as usual. They were headed west bound on Airport Road when a tire suddenly appeared in front of their vehicle. My dad, one of the best and most confident drivers I know, swerved to miss the tire. According to the police report, a vehicle on the opposite side of the highway lost his rear tire for an unknown reason. When dad swerved to miss the tire, his tire went into the dirt and the dirt collected on the tire causing the vehicle to roll. Dad was thrown from the vehicle during the first roll, Justin was wearing his seatbelt and rolled with the vehicle at least one more time.
When the dust settled, my dad laid unconscious, face down, on the side of the road. Justin was awake and stuck inside in the SUV.
A family was right behind their vehicle and witnessed the accident. They immediately pulled over, dialed 911, and began to do anything they could to help. Justin doesn’t remember anything from the time the vehicle first rolled until he was inside the ambulance. However, the eye witness reported that Justin was calm and helpful. He provided the people helping with my mom’s phone number.
That is where I got involved.
I was at my dad’s house dropping something off he needed. Rachael and I were in separate vehicles, so I decided to say “hi” to Nathan and Jonathan before I left. I went out to Jonathan’s room after talking with Nathan, and we started visiting for a few minutes. I was just about to leave the house when mom came in to Jon’s room with a look of fear on her face. Dad and Justin had been in an accident.
I took the phone from mom and ran to my Expedition as quick as I could, with Jon and mom right behind me. We jumped into the car and the lady who witnessed the accident was very helpful in preparing me for the scene over the phone and giving me an update the best she could.
We arrived on the scene quickly. Jon got out just in time to see dad being loaded into ambulance #54. Justin was being loaded into a separate ambulance. The paramedics allowed Jonathan to ride in Justin’s ambulance. The ambulances took off code three, and I stayed right on their tale.
We drove 75-80 MPH all the way to the OU Trauma Center. When we arrived, we parked inside the emergency room parking area and rushed inside – and the waiting game began.
Jonathan, who arrived in the ambulance, was escorted into the waiting room to join Mom and I. We asked as many people as we could for details, but with no luck. All we knew was that dad was having a hard time breathing, Justin was in a lot of pain, and no one could confirm or deny if any of their conditions were life threatening.
Over the next 30min or so, several close family members and friends arrived at the emergency room. The Chaplin and several nurses came and spoke with us to collect information. Each time we feared the worse.
I worked hard to not let satan influence my thoughts. The truth was that Dad and Justin were both still alive. I needed to operate in that truth and trust God.
Eventually a nurse took us to an area back behind the ER waiting room. The doctor came out to give us a report. At that point in time, Justin was in stable condition. He had several injuries to deal with – the most concerning was a bruised lung. Justin’s conditions were not life threatening.
My dad wasn’t so lucky. His condition was listed as critical and he was unstable. They were working hard to assist him in breathing get a CAT scan done so they could take a look at the extent of the damage.
When we received the results to the CAT scan things looked dim. Dad had internal bleeding in his torso as well as bleeding and swelling around the brain. The internal bleeding would require surgery. Nothing could be done about the swelling and bleeding around the brain at that point. There was nothing left to do but turn to the Lord and cry out for help… so that is what we did.
A prayer chain was started in our church, as well as many others. People were praying across the US, and even in London, Africa, and Germany. In addition, a prayer meeting started in the hospital chapel. Odus Compton, a dear friend of the family, led the meeting.
When the meeting started I felt hopeless. There was nothing I or anyone could do. The results were in God’s hands. All we could do was pray.
We began to worship God in the meeting. We declared God’s sovereignty. We declared that we trusted in Him for the outcome. We even thanked God for the circumstances because we knew He would work them together for good and for His glory. By the end of the meeting, my heart was at peace and my mind was ready to face whatever would come next.
Shortly after our prayer meeting, we received a report. The swelling and bleeding around the brain was stable, and dad was being prepped for surgery to help stop the internal bleeding.
We waited some more.
A couple hours later, we received a great reported. The doctors told us that they took a second look at the CAT scan, and they believed the swelling and bleeding around the brain was lower than they originally thought. An answer to prayer!
Next, the doctors told us that the surgery to stop the internal bleeding was a great success. Dad’s spleen was damaged beyond repair, so it was removed in the OR. The surgeons were able to help stop the bleeding around the liver. As far as they could tell, all the internal bleeding had stopped.
Now it was time to focus on the next set of issues. Dad’s upper (cervical) and mid (thoracic) spine structures were stable. However, there was severe damage to the sacral and pelvic areas. The damage will require surgery and physical therapy at some point down the road. These injuries caused some bleeding in Dad’s urinary tract.
Recently, Dad was moved to ICU. Currently, doctors are testing the extent of the damage to his bladder, kidneys, and urinary tract. They also plan to test his lungs. Dad is still unconscious and on a respirator. They need to find out if his lungs will be able to support his breathing on their own. All these tests will happen overnight and into the morning. The results of these tests will tell us a lot more. At this point, doctors are hopeful that dad might be able to wake up in the next 12-36 hours.
As for Justin, he was moved to ICU just down the hall from Dad. Doctors were able to stabilize his right lung to limit the risk of a collapse. They had to repair part of the tips of a couple fingers due to injuries received in the accident. His ankle was broken in two places and they had to straighten his ankle and apply a splint. He may need a plate inserted later. He received some stitches for minor cuts, and a brace has been put on his arm (some bones may be broken; we haven’t heard this report from the doctors yet). Other than that, Justin is black and blue, on some pain meds, and doing his best to sleep tonight.
Please continue to pray for both of them… we are not out of the woods yet. I know that Dad’s condition is stable but still critical. Things could change at any time. Please continue to pray for recovery. Here are the greatest prayer requests:
• That the bleeding and swelling around Dad’s brain would go away completely
• That Dad’s urinary track will be able to be flushed out and that no surgery will be required
• That Dad’s injuries to his pelvic/sacral area would be minimal and have no long term effects
• That Justin would find relief from pain, get some sleep, and that his lung would continue to improve.
You can also pray for our family. Pray for strength and wisdom for us kids and my Grandma. Most importantly, pray for my mom. I know if dad was awake she would be his greatest concern. She is already dealing with her own physical condition. The stress and strain added by this ordeal could cause her great pain. Please pray that God would touch and heal her body. She is doing okay right now and is staying strong during this trying time.
So many people are stepping in to help. I want to thank Steve Prentice for taking initiative to contact Doctor Dellinger and get him involved. Doctor Dellinger’s expertise has been an invaluable asset throughout this entire ordeal. I want to thank Odus Compton for coming and stepping in to help meet needs (grabbing dinner, leading the prayer meeting, helping us deal with people, and much more). I want to thank the Myers family for all they have done today… especially Luke who stayed with Justin throughout many procedures today and Cyndi who is staying the night with Luke to serve our family. Sue Boone stayed the night with my Grandma. I also want to thank Pastor Wells and Saundra for the spiritual and emotional support they provided today. Aunt Tonya and Maw-Maw have also provided vital support for my mom. Roger and Kelli ran several errands for us (and continue to do so) so that we would have what we need. The Ruckels have our girls which gives us great peace of mind. Many people have brought food and gifts to the hospital. More than a hundred people came to visit us and pray with us in the ER. Dozens of people have offered to help clean our houses, watch the girls, provide resources, and more. There are so many people that I cannot possibly mention everyone. We are so grateful for all of you and for the demonstration of Christ’s love you have displayed. Thank you.
Know that if any public needs arise, we will make you aware through this blog.
In this situation I am challenged to think like my father (who happens to think like our heavenly Father). What would he say if he could speak right now? Knowing my dad, this is what I know he would communicate:
“If you do not know Jesus Christ, you need to meet Him. I met Him many years ago and He changed my life forever. My eternal future is secure because He died for me, paid my sin debt, and brought me out of spiritual death into life. The Holy Spirit has completely changed my life… He is the reason I am who I am today. He holds me together. You need to believe in Jesus, accept Him as your Savior, be baptized, and become His follower.
If you are already a follower of Jesus, then know this: Life is short. Take advantage of every moment you have now. Make an I.M.P.A.C.T. (I Must Personally Advance Christ Today). Go build a relationship with someone who is lost and lead them to Jesus. There is nothing more important in this life than fulfilling this calling. This is the mission Jesus Christ has put before us. Now go, and fulfill the great commission…”
We are looking forward to bringing more updates of God’s goodness. Right now, we want to encourage all of you to go to church tomorrow and pray for our family with your church family. If you don’t have a church home, please feel free to visit Western Hills Church tomorrow at 10am. We are having a special series of meetings at our church. I know satan would love to use these circumstances and others to stop what God is doing to bring revival in people’s hearts. Don’t let satan clam even one victory… Dad would never want his condition to hinder God’s plans. Please take advantage of this time to find Jesus. He loves you and He is waiting for you to come to Him. Don’t delay, trust me… life happens fast.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Update on Dad and Justin
right now:
Justin is doing well, all things considered. He is beaten up pretty
bad and in some pain, but doesn't have any life threatening injuries.
The greatest prayer request for him is that his injuries wouldn't
require surgery.
My dad is still unconcious. They just completed surgery to remove his
spleen and repair minor damage to his liver. The surgery went well and
all the internal bleeding has stopped. They have been watching his
brain swelling and bleeding closely. They took a second look at the
results from the CAT scan and found that the swelling and bleeding was
lower than they originally thought. He has some blood in his urinary
tract, but they are hopefully that they can flush it out without any
damage to his blatter. He has some serious injuries in his pelvic area
that will require surgery and physical theropy down the road. However,
there are no life threatening circumstances right now.
They are moving dad to a recovery room then to a specialized ICU area.
He is still on a respirator, and will remain so until he wakes up. The
doctors say that he should wake up within the next 24-72 hours. At
that time, we will know more about the extent of the injuries.
Please pray that the swelling and bleeding will stay down, and that
the long term effects will be minimal.
At this point, no report is a good report. We will keep you posted if
we hear anything. The family will be at the hospital throughout the
night. Please keep us in your prayers.
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Pray for My Dad and Brother
stable and my dad is in critical condition. Please pray hard.
This is really unreal for our family right now. Please pray for my
mom. She is having a hard time.
I will update this blog everytime we have information we can share.
Thanks for your prayers.
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